314-559-810-2: The Drum Battle

Title: The Drum Battle: Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich At JATP
Artist: Gene Krupa / Buddy Rich
Label: Verve
Catalog #: 314-559-810-2
Format: CD
Rel. Year: 5/1999
Issue Notes:
  1. Recorded live from JATP performances given on 9/13/52 at Carnegie Hall, NYC.
  2. Originally released as part of Mercury LP 12″: MG-VOL. 15 — Jazz At The Philharmonic, Vol. 15 (1953)
  3. CD issue of: Verve LP 12″: MGV-8369 — The Drum Battle: Gene Krupa And Buddy Rich At JATP (1960)
  4. CD issue of: Verve/MGM LP 12″: V-8369 — The Drum Battle: Gene Krupa And Buddy Rich At JATP (1961)
  5. CD issue of: Verve/MGM LP 12″: V/V6-8484 — The Original Drum Battle [M/S] (1962)
Track Date Title Time
1 09/13/1952 Introduction by Norman Granz 0:43
2 09/13/1952 Idaho
3 09/13/1952 Sophisticated Lady
(Ellington, Parish, Mills)
4 09/13/1952 Flying Home
(Hampton, Goodman)
5 09/13/1952 Drum Boogie
(Krupa, Eldridge)
6 09/13/1952 The Drum Battle
7 09/13/1952 Perdido – vEF
(Tizol, Drake, Lengsfelder)
Collective Personnel
Benny Carter, Willie Smith (as), Joe “Flip” Phillips, Lester Young (ts), Roy Eldridge, Charlie Shavers (t), Barney Kessel (g), Hank Jones, Oscar Peterson (p), Ray Brown (b), Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich (d), Ella Fitzgerald (v)