Title: | The Drum Battle: Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich At JATP |
Artist: | Gene Krupa / Buddy Rich | |
Label: | Verve | |
Catalog #: | 314-559-810-2 | |
Format: | CD | |
Rel. Year: | 5/1999 | |
Issue Notes: |
Track | Date | Title | Time |
1 | 09/13/1952 | Introduction by Norman Granz | 0:43 |
2 | 09/13/1952 | Idaho (Stone) |
6:46 |
3 | 09/13/1952 | Sophisticated Lady (Ellington, Parish, Mills) |
4:39 |
4 | 09/13/1952 | Flying Home (Hampton, Goodman) |
5:56 |
5 | 09/13/1952 | Drum Boogie (Krupa, Eldridge) |
9:04 |
6 | 09/13/1952 | The Drum Battle (Shrdlu) |
3:36 |
7 | 09/13/1952 | Perdido – vEF (Tizol, Drake, Lengsfelder) |
5:01 |
Collective Personnel |
Benny Carter, Willie Smith (as), Joe “Flip” Phillips, Lester Young (ts), Roy Eldridge, Charlie Shavers (t), Barney Kessel (g), Hank Jones, Oscar Peterson (p), Ray Brown (b), Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich (d), Ella Fitzgerald (v) |